Great American Living is the unscripted companion to Great American Family that celebrates Great American family-friendly traditions every day and every season.
Never miss another show or movie with 72 hour lookback, and available DVR.
Access every show or movie for 72 hours after the initial airing
Record multiple shows and movies at the same time
Stream your recordings from any device
Keep recordings for up to 9 months
DVR only available on Classic and Premium plans
I'm loving this! I was paying way too much just to watch Hallmark channels, Frndly TV is perfect for me. Paid for a year for less then I paid for a month before 😊.
Your favorite channels, and even more of the shows you love, with A&E, The HISTORY Channel, all 3 Hallmark Channels, INSP, UPtv, The Weather Channel, and more.
72 Hour Look Back
Look back automatically captures shows that have aired as far back as 72 hours so you never miss an episode.
Stream on Multiple Screens
Available on Classic & Premium plans
With up to 4 simultaneous screens, everyone in the family can watch what they want, when they want.
On Your TV or On-the-Go
Watch on your TV with Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, or Chromecast. Or watch us on the go with IOS and Android apps, or on your laptop.
Unlimited DVR
Available on Classic & Premium plans
With available unlimited DVR, you can record all the shows you want without worrying about space.
I love this app. There's always something great to watch on Hallmark and with the new channels they added, I canceled my other services.
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