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A New Orleans Noel
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Starring Keshia Knight Pulliam, Patti LaBelle
Grace Hill (Keshia Knight Pulliam) and Anthony Brown (Brad James) could not be more different. Despite having gone to college to study architecture together, their lives took them on completely separate paths. But when they’re both hired to work together on the home of Loretta Brown (Patti LaBelle)—a New Orleans praline icon—the two find themselves stuck working together at Christmas...and butting heads over more than just architecture. When Anthony and his family discover that Grace will be celebrating Christmas alone, they invite her to take part in their traditions and their celebrations. Soon, fiercely independent Grace begins to learn the importance of family and community, while modern Anthony learns to embrace tradition and the magic of Christmas. And when Grace is offered a new job far away from New Orleans, she’ll have to decide if she’ll leave or follow her heart.
12/3/2022 8:00pm on Lifetime
I'm loving this! I was paying way too much just to watch Hallmark channels, Frndly TV is perfect for me. Paid for a year for less then I paid for a month before 😊.
Amy T.
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I love this app. There's always something great to watch on Hallmark and with the new channels they added, I canceled my other services.
Chris J.